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33 days to merciful love retreat companion pdf

According to the greatest pope of the 20th century, theres a secret that reveals the mystery of Mary! So, the light that illumines the darkness of our spiritual blindness to our sins is the fire of Gods love. And she knew it not because she actually lived in that world as a cloistered nun, she did not but, rather, because the Lord allowed her to feel that God doesnt exist and that there isnt a heaven. ct. o She just wants to heal the wound. In fact, you might say that die self revelation of God through the burning bush as I AM advances to the self-revelation of God through the burning love of the Cross as /thirst" (Jn 19:28). Well, not in Thereses case. Its because, again, weve arrived at the perfection of faith. First, Therese Martin grew up in a France that was deeply affected by the Jansenist heresy, a heresy that teaches a joyless moral rigorism, emphasizing fear and justice, punishment and severity, judgment and condemnation. See also The Context ofHoliness, pp. Ln sum: If Family A rejects Gods mercy and Family B receives it, then Family A has a second chance to receive mercy through the mercy that flows through the merciful deeds, words, and prayers of Family B. Its that simple. Unsere Partner sammeln Daten und verwenden Cookies zur Personalisierung und Messung von Anzeigen. Prophets & Kings__1890__the Seventh Day Adventist Bible study. 103 Cited in The Power of Confidence, p. 344. Let me put it this way. 44 Story of a Soul, p. 83. Did the mortal sickness that devoured Thereses poor lungs also affect her brain? 99 Cited by Genevieve of the Holy Face (Celine Martin) in My Sister St. Therese, trans. It is in the depths of my own being that 1 commune with mv God (Diary, 1302). ' Conclude with Holy God (Repeat three times) Holy God, Holy Mights' One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world. Purgatory Heres one other catch that comes with making the Offering to Merciful Love: It gradually increases our longing for God. "With one servant, I set out on the 500-mile trip. In fact, it becomes an act of perfect love, because perfect love, like perfect contrition, is concerned with the Lords Heart. And this easily can save the world. I let her do it.82 Next, when asked ifTherese had made the Offering just once and forgotten about it. SPIRIT Infinity Book (Dec. 31, 2022 version) . Thats not friendship. I cant relate to her. Theres some trudi to this objection. How? But what does wound Jesus, Therese explains, is only when his friends, ignoring their continual indelicacies, make a habit out of them and dont ask forgiveness for them (cited in ibid., p. 189). 205 Catechism, 478. Then, that fiat moment eventually leads to magnificat, to praise and thanks. 1 rejoice that they ask for much, because it is My desire to give much, very much. But what does all this have to do with becoming a great saint? O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fount of Mercy for us, I trust in You. Well, my research was not 64 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE in vain. Well learn more about that tomorrow. Now, that may sound silly, at least until we realize that the idea for it comes from an important Divine Mercy saint and Doctor of die Church, St. Therese of Lisieux. Saint John Paul II expressed the theology of consoling Jesus in what is probably the most profound papal statement on the topic. My heart is a living 188 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE tabernacle in which the living Host is reserved. As Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, hes a perfect Family of Love, and we can add nothing to his greatness, glory, or happiness. So, I know what Mark meant. 33 Days to Merciful Love Group Retreat goes even deeper than the book alone and explores new material on the heart of St. Thrse of Lisieux's Little Way, uncovering the power of trust in the face of . So, we wont always feel the greatness of God filling our hearts. Trust in God, who is Love and Mercy itself. I dont have any sins. Now, there are two problems here. He made me understand these words of the Canticle of Canticles: DRAW ME, WE SHALL RUN after you in the odor ofyour ointments (1:3). We find that part of Thereses teaching in her response to one of her novices, Sr. Marie of the Trinity, who was concerned about her chances of avoiding purgatory. A St. Therese-style Consecration to Divine Mercy. Rom 11:33)! That is the greatest light of faidi, which shines amid die deepest darkness. 65 Wlekti-irle. Unveil for me the mystery at the heart of the Gospel, the mystery of the Heart of Christ: his tender mercy for sinners. Numbers to each paragraph added. And what does trust in Jesus mean? 109.) But it Mil be wonderful. If we can do that, then well be living in one single act of perfect love, like St. Therese and St. Faustina. Did Sr. Maries obituary have an influence 70 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE on Therese? (More on this later.) So Mary can win hearts in a way that even Jesus Christ cant. Chris burst into my office after having just offered Mass. Some people might have read that and thought, Hmmm. These are die wild flowers whose simplicity attracts Him. 139 Ibid. Well, its not. Hes God. Mary's Gift of Mercy. Why do I say that? Perhaps its to have a business meeting, a celebration, or simply to get die furnace fixed. So what did I find? Even after die death of her one true friend in the convent (Therese), even after her mental illness caused her to have to leave the convent at the age of 55 after 28 years of religious life, even after years of wondering aimlessly about the French countryside (ibid., p. 51) amazingly she could still write the fol lowing words to Mother Agnes, words that reveal her hidden sanctity: The work of sanctification which my beloved Therese began so lovingly in me beore she died continues. For instance, its to hope against hope, like Abraham did when he was called to sacrifice Isaac, believing in the impossible, namely, that God could even raise Isaac from the dead. 111 Catechism of the Catholic Church, 144. 73 Therese believed she would become a great saint, but her faith and hope in this regard was not based on pride but, rather, humility, as is clear from the following passage: I considered that I was born for glory and when I searched out 182 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE the means of attaining it, God inspired in me the sentiments I have just described. FINAL FIVE DAYS: Synthesis and Review 117 Grace Mary is not only a perfect model of faith and trust for us, but she obtains for us the grace to believe and to trust in God. But then, one day earlier this year, he called me out of the blue. The word magnanimity comes from the Latin words magnus, meaning great, and animus, meaning soul. So, its a kind of great-souled-ness that moves a person to aim high in the spiritual life. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. One expert on Carmelite spirituality contrasted these two paths (that of merit and that of mercy) as follows: [God] brings about [our sanctification] by the diffusion of grace which He gives according to our merits, or simply to satisfy the need ofhis mercy.91 I dont know about you, but I choose the latter path! After all, I figured that only the quickest and easiest path could help someone like me to become a saint. 124 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE It has to do with the reality of Gods love his burning, passionate, infinite love. For this is the Little Way of surrender, acceptance, and childlike trust taught by St. Therese of Lisicux. Specifically, I think I had in mind one of my favorite passages from her autobiography: Jesus does not demand great actions from us but simply surrender and gratitude. While our prayer program ofdaily pondering the text has helped us digest some of the information, we can still go deeper. She describes the reason to her sister Pauline (Mother Agnes), who had given her permission to make the Offering: You permitted me, dear Mother, to offer myself in this way to God, and you know the rivers or rather the oceans of graces that flooded my soul. Its about discovering extraordinary joy, happiness, and peace in the midst of regular, ordinary, day-to-day existence. In odier words, it doesn't focus on lots of vocal prayers each day of the retreat but, rather, on short spiritual readings that you can easily ponder in your heart throughout the day. In a certain sense, God needs this womans help. The Church is a mother, and she must travel this path of mercy and find a form of mercy for all. Sister Marie Febronie, the 67-year-old subprioress at Thereses convent, had heard about the 19-year-old novice mistress teaching on purgatory. After making her Offering to Merciful Love, St. Therese wasfilled with consolation. I wish, then, to be clothed in Your own Justice and to receive from Your Love the eternal possession of Yourself. Remain in me as in a tabernacle All our justice is stained in Your eyes. Published by Marian Press. Then, each member of your family should strive to accept diis rejected mercy and share it with others.214 Its that simple. Actually, I think we need more dian just a statement. Because great saints clearly see this reality, theyre not blind to their sins. Then, together, each in his own way, we offer Jesus infinite sacrifice of love to the Father WEEK FOUR: Into the Darkness 101 and ourselves along with it.150 Thats the moment when Jesus sacrifice becomes our sacrifice, when Jesus love becomes our love, when Jesus offering of himself becomes our offering of ourselves. The Little Way is about the compassion of Jesus (heart), who sees rhe suffering of little souls who long to attain the heights of holiness but who are too little to climb the rough stairway of perfection. Its about the action of Jesus (arms), who reaches down out of pity and picks up trusting little souls to place them on the heights. Also, regarding the idea of Gods amazing mercy for sinners being beyond the power of words to express, Jesus once said to St. Faustina, My daughter, do you think you have written enough about My mercy? In this way you will console My Heart. However, for someone who lives by himself, I would encourage him to make the individual Offering to Merciful Love of St. Therese of Lisieux, which this book describes. Day of Consecration 'The Happy Day' JT)l HAPPY. Michael Gaitley, MIC, this 33 Days to Merciful Love Retreat Companion goes even deeper than the book alone and explores new material on the heart of St. Thrse of Lisieux's Little Way, uncovering the power of trust in the face of personal darkness, inspiring participants to become great saints amid ordinary circumstances, and laying the . 40 Cited in With Empty Hands, p. 47. We wonder if the sun is still up there. It reveals that when we compare Gods infinite love for us with our own pitiful love for him, our love is really nothing. Well, thats what were going to do today. It remains only for us not to oppose Gods action (Diary, 283). 47 Ibid., pp. Wisdom & Works of Mercy; Stage 3. Michael Gaitley MIC this 33 Days to Morning Glory Group Retreat goes more deeply into understanding and living Marian consecration than the book alone. But today is a day for rejoicing! Congratulations! Again, because Mary is the New Eve. 108 Cited in The Teaching of St. Therese of Lisieux on Purgatory by Hubert van Dijk, ORC, trans. 36 Ibid. Not only that, but Mary had to watch her child go tlirough a suffering worse than anyone has ever had to bear. station19.cebu Home. In other words, because the ideal of poverty held such a high place in Francis conscience, his conscience would convict him of sin regarding things that probably wouldnt convict us. 97 This is perhaps why God would accept the prayer of people who offered themselves as victim souls to divine Justice its because Jesus did it first! We spend the first twelve days emptying ourselves of the spirit of the world. But if it doesn't, if you cant help feeling tired, anxious, or empty thats perfect. Its a beautiful thing to weep with those who weep (Rom 12:15) and to comfort those who are in any affliction with the same con solation we have received in Christ (see 2 Cor 1:4). This praise and thanks is signified by the air we exhale from our lungs. Its exactly what we need, namely, his mercy entering into our emptiness. After all, the nature of love is to humble itself. And so, the Little Way is, in a certain sense, the best path for giving God the greatest glory. Yes, I believe everything that God promised about Jesus will be fulfilled, even if everything about him is a sign of contradiction (Lk 2:34). 168 Catechism, 399. She wanted to tell her Father immediately, and you would have pitied her to see her anxiety. Of course, this does not mean that little souls can never be successful in the practice of virtue, but when they are, Therese describes what their attitude should be: To be little is also to not attribute to oneself the virtues that one practices, believing oneself capable of anything, but to recognize that God places this treasure of virtue in the hands 180 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE of His little child, to be used when necessary; but it remains always Gods treasure (ibid., p. 228). For instance, the virtue of humility would respond to Thereses magnanimous statement about wanting to love God more than hes ever been loved before with something like this: Come on. It seems to me that if You were to find souls offering themselves as victims of holocaust to Your Love, You would consume them rapidly; it seems to me, too, that You would be happy not to hold back the waves of infinite tenderness within You. Abraham stopped there, and because there werent 10 righteous people in the city, it was destroyed. Amen. It proclaims not the Good News of Gods mercy for sinners but its own bad news of Gods consuming wrath for whoever dares to commit the slight est infraction against what it sees as his many oppressive rules. Remain in me as in a tabernacle and never separate Yourself from Your little victim. RIEST FRIEND: A CONSECRATION TO DIVINE MERCY. Accepting such suffering becomes easier when we learn from Therese just how loving and tender God really is. (3) Get a Divine Mercy Image 134 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE to put up in your room as a reminder of your consecration or at least get a small prayercard to put in your wallet or purse. And thats a beautiful thing! These are the ones who at least recognize their sins. Emphasis added. For now, lets just consider that if we want to live the Little Way, we must do three tilings: (1) Recognize the darkness: Recognize the darkness of our littleness and brokenness. Its to save the world.15 Thars Gods master plan in this time of mercy'. I say that because Jesus doesnt just want to pour out his rejected Merciful Love on individuals, like St. Therese. Oh, what pain they cause Me when they do not want to accept them!216 You, at least, come to Me as often as possible and take these graces they do not want to accept. So how do we obtain it? The Apostles Creed 6. The Lord said he would spare it for their sake. But its faith, its trust, that unleashes the power of his mercy. It is then that He particularly deserves mercy from the people to whom He has done good, and He does not receive it . Stage 1. But those last WEEK FOUR: Into the Darkness 95 words arc extremely telling. Also, it means not giving in to discouragement or, God forbid, despair. The Bible says that even the just man sins seven times a day (Prov 24:16). So, at the incarnation, Jesus, the eternal Son, assumed a human nature and a human heart.200 And if his Heart truly is human, if he truly is like us in all things but sin, then his Heart is filled with the desire not only to love but also to be loved. His greatness is shown in how he has scattered the proud in their conceit and has lifted up the lowly (Lk 1:51), in how he resists the proud but gives grace to the humble (Jas 4:6). Perhaps it makes us say, But what about all those poor people who arent getting the graces that Im taking? Well, first of all, keep in mind that the 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE 84 graces well be receiving have already been rejected. Of course, such passages do not mean we know the day or the hour of the Lords coming, but they do give a greater sense of urgency to the present time of mercy. On the other hand, I am sad when souls ask for little, when they narrow their hearts (1577 1578). At the same time, it consoles her. 33 Days to Merciful Love Group Retreat; Divine Mercy in the Second Greatest Story Ever Told Series; Leaders . I say that because, during his homily for the dedication of the Shrine of Divine Mercy in Krakow Lagiewniki, Poland, on August 17, 2002, the Pope entrusted the whole world to Divine Mercy and included a passage from the Diary of St. Faustina that speaks of the Lords final coming: Today, therefore, in this Shrine, I wish solemnly to entrust the world to Divine Mercy. And we should listen to Pope Francis, who said, The Lord never tires of forgiving, never! To use Thereses own words, her teaching set me full sail upon the waves of confidence and love.1 18 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE With this book, I now want to share those amazing treas ures that gave me hope in the seminary and inspire me still. This rejection of his love, Therese learned, is one of the deepest pains of his Heart. Thats where God spoke to Moses from the burning bush and revealed his name as I AM. At that moment, he seemed to be telling us: Look, I AM and youre not. It means that if we fall into discouragement or despair, well make an effort to get right back up, right back to trusting in Gods mercy. More specifically, its to believe that God is faithful to his promises, to believe that God is faithful even when it seems impossible. 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE BOOK. Journey with St. Therese of Lisieux and discover 33 Days to Merciful Love: A Do-It-Yourself Retreat in Preparation for Consecration to Divine Mercy, the stirring sequel to the Fr. Take away anyfears or anxieties I may have about making the Offering. Fr. Its where people live as if God did not exist, as if theres no heaven, as if this world is all there is. So, we need only" tear becoming corrupt. 170 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE Because Jesus was so moved by St. Thereses ardent love for him, he gave her a beautiful insight into the mystery of his Heart. I say that because our prayers truly can obtain for others this amazing mercy, even for those who seem hopelessly lost. The Marian Missionaries of Divine Mercy (MMDM) is for people who really want to get into mercy as a spirituality. Now what? Also, its interesting to note that St. Therese once appeared to St. Faustina and encouraged her to trust in Jesus (see Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska: Divine Mercy in My Soul [Stockbridge: Marian Press, 1987], 150. And why is it a problem? Not by necessity but by his free choice, God allowed himself, in Jesus Christ, to feel a need for our love. In a letter to her sister Pauline (Mother Agnes), St. Therese writes about this kind of death, beginning with a quote from St. John of the Cross: Tear through the veil of this sweet encounter! 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33 days to merciful love retreat companion pdf